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03 Sep 2020

Annual Hydrogen Production from Emerging Technologies to Hit 1GW by 2029

03 Sep 2020  by   

The global capacity for emerging hydrogen production technologies is expected to reach approximately 1GW per annum by 2029, according to a new study released by Guidehouse Insights.

The market for emerging hydrogen production technologies is expected to experience a 20% compound annual growth rate from 2020-20209.

Four emerging technologies—alkaline electrolysers (AES), proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolysers, solid oxide electrolysis cells (SOECs), and biomass gasifiers—are expected to move the market forward as decarbonisation becomes increasingly important and costs for green hydrogen (or hydrogen produced with no emissions) decline.

There has been much discussion over the past several years of how hydrogen can aid the energy transition.

AES, PEM, and SOECs can use renewable electricity to produce green hydrogen, while biomass gasifiers can use otherwise carbon-emitting feedstocks such as municipal solid waste (MSW) to achieve the same result.

Although most hydrogen is used in the industrial sector, significant demand growth is expected in the mobility sector due to expansion in the fuel cell vehicle (FCV) market as well as in hydrogen storage.

Shayne Willette, a research analyst with Guidehouse Insights, said: “As countries and economies develop plans for decarbonisation, hydrogen is being recognised as a potential tool for a variety of reasons.

“Currently, only 1%-4% of hydrogen is produced with clean production technologies, but with greater emphasis on decarbonisation, increasing renewables integration, and decreasing capital costs, emerging clean hydrogen production technologies are poised to play a key role going forward.”

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