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06 Nov 2020

Netherlands-Based Companies Put Forward €9bn Hydrogen Plan

06 Nov 2020  by Molly Burgess   

Last week (30th Oct), business and government bodies in the Northern Netherlands presented their €9bn investment plan for hydrogen in the region to various Dutch MPs.

International companies such as Engie, Equinor, Gasunie, RWE, Shell and Vattenfall, as well as SMEs, are all part of the group and said they are ready to jointly develop more than 50 hydrogen projects, spanning the entire supply chain.

If successful, the consortium said the plans would be implemented in stages and could secure approximately 66,000 jobs in areas such as gas infrastructure and mobility, as well as maintenance and operations.

Before any of plans can progress, the Dutch government will need to approve additional capacity for offshore wind energy and provide a regulatory framework, as well as financial support, in 2021.

Those involved in the projects hope that any investments in the north of the country, and the experience gained from such developments, would help a national roll-out of hydrogen technologies.

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