
Energy Economy

17 Dec 2020

German System Operators E.ON and Amprion Agree on Cooperation

17 Dec 2020  by   

DSO-TSO cooperation in Germany gets a boost with an agreement between the DSO E.ON and TSO Amprion.

Under a memorandum of understanding, the two system operators intend to cooperate in three main areas. These are the development of concepts for jointly used resources and assets and cooperation on network planning and control.

The MoU will see the launch of a number of joint projects over the coming months as a joint contribution to the fundamental transformation of the energy system.

“We can only meet the increasingly complex challenges of the energy transition by collaborating across network operator boundaries,” says E.ON’s COO Networks Thomas König.

“Jointly developing innovations, driving forward digitalisation and optimising processes are the key to a reliable and climate-friendly energy system of the future.”

Amprion CEO Dr. Hans-Jürgen Brick adds: “The success of the energy transition will be decided at the interface between the transmission and distribution grids. We are convinced of the advantages of close cooperation between the different network levels. Our goal is to jointly get them ready for 2050.”

DSO-TSO cooperation is crucial in the energy transition to integrate renewable energies across the system and with the majority of distributed resources connected at the distribution level, to optimise the use of flexibility in the system.

With the end of nuclear energy in Germany in 2022 and the phasing out of coal by 2038 at the latest, the use of renewables as the prime generator of electricity in that country is within sight.

The two system operators are prepared to share developments, discuss them on a wider basis and work together to deliver further improvements and joint solutions.

E.ON is Germany’s largest DSO. Amprion based in Dortmund is one of the country’s four TSOs.

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