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Nuclear Power

13 Jan 2021

Ansaldo Nucleare and Monsud to Supply Emergency Power System for ITER

13 Jan 2021  by   

Fusion For Energy announced it has signed a five-year contract with Ansaldo Nucleare and its partner Monsud, for the design, implementation, testing and commissioning of the emergency electrical power distribution system for the ITER fusion project.

Photo: ITER site pictured in November 2020 (Credit: Iter Organization) Photo: ITER site pictured in November 2020 (Credit: Iter Organization)

The emergency electricity distribution system will power to systems and components to ensure ITER is kept in a safe mode in the event of a loss of offsite power and/or external grid disruption, F4E said.

The contracted is valued in the range of EUR100 million. It also includes the design and construction of the respective buildings.

Ansaldo Nucleare will integrate and co-ordinate many areas of expertise to complete this critical infrastructure.

“Our partnership with Ansaldo Nucleare is further strengthened through the signature of this important contract. We rely on their expertise to ensure the successful completion of this essential system for the ITER project,” said Johannes Schwemmer, Director of Fusion for Energy (F4E).

Ansaldo Nucleare, part of the Ansaldo Energia Group, has been involved in the ITER project since the beginning. It has worked on various projects, including the production of the European contribution to the vacuum vessel and its assembly through the leadership of the Dynamic Consortium.

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