
Wind Power

04 Mar 2021

Capital Energy Advances in the Development of Its First Wind Farm in Aragon, Biota

04 Mar 2021  by   

This wind energy facility, located in the Zaragoza municipalities of Biota and Uncastillo, will have an installed power of 58.7 megawatts (MW) and its development will involve an investment of about 47 million euros. The 20 wind turbines of this first Capital Energy wind farm in Aragon will be capable of supplying clean energy to more than 78,000 homes and will prevent the emission into the atmosphere of more than 75,000 tons of CO2 per year.

The construction of Biota will lead to the creation of about 340 jobs and will have an annual economic impact on local coffers, as well as through leasing contracts, of around 260,000 euros.

Capital Energy, a Spanish energy company born in 2002 and whose vocation is to become the first 100% vertically integrated renewable operator in the Iberian Peninsula, has just taken a significant step towards strengthening the development of its clean energy project in Aragon.

The Functional Area of ??Industry and Energy of the Government Sub-delegation in Aragon and the Government Delegation in Navarra have announced that they are submitting to public information the request for prior administrative authorization and the environmental impact study of their first wind farm in the community, Biota, and the associated evacuation infrastructure. This renewable installation will have an installed power of 58.7 megawatts (MW) and will involve an investment of almost 47 million euros [1].

The 20 wind turbines of this Aragonese Capital Energy park, with a hub height of 115 meters and a blade diameter of 170 meters, will be capable of supplying 187,900 megawatt hours (MWh) of clean energy per year, equivalent to the consumption of more than 78,000 homes of the region, and will avoid the annual emission into the atmosphere of more than 75,000 tons of CO2.

The Biota wind farm is located in the Zaragoza municipalities of Biota and Uncastillo and the substations and lines necessary to evacuate the renewable energy it generates will be located in the towns of Uncastillo, Castiliscar and Sos del Rey Católico, in Zaragoza, as well as in Carcastillo, Caseda , Gallipienzo, Murillo el Fruto, Ujué, Pitillas and Olite, in Navarra.

The project is expected to create about 340 jobs during its construction phase -12 in the operation phase- and that it will have an annual economic impact on local coffers (IBI and IAE), as well as through contracts for lease, of around 260,000 euros. To this recurring amount is added the timely payment of the ICIO, which will amount to 1.18 million euros.

Capital Energy is currently developing renewable projects in Aragon totaling almost 2,000 MW, of which 1,300 MW are wind power and more than 650 MW photovoltaic. The company has set ambitious objectives in this autonomous community for the coming years: that 90% of these projects can reach the construction phase by 2023 and have more than 430 MW in operation by that same date, all of them in operation. the province of Zaragoza.

The company, which has an office in Zaragoza with five employees from which it addresses the growth of its clean energy project in the region, is also committed to the development of new storage technologies and green hydrogen, for which it has been incorporated, at the end of last November, to the Board of Trustees of the Hydrogen Foundation of Aragon.

[1] The total investment would rise to 105.66 million euros if 100% of the cost of three substations and three high-voltage lines necessary to evacuate electricity were included, a cost that in principle will be shared with other projects.

Around 38 GW of project portfolio in the Iberian Peninsula

Capital Energy currently has a portfolio of wind and solar projects in Spain and Portugal of around 38 gigawatts (GW) of power, of which about 8.5 GW already have the network access permits granted. .

Thanks to the launch of its marketer, in the last quarter of 2020, Capital Energy has completed its strategic objective of being present throughout the entire renewable generation value chain: from promotion, where the company has a consolidated position given its trajectory of almost 20 years, until the construction, production, storage, operation and supply.

The objective of the company, which has grown from 30 people to more than 350 in the last three years, distributed throughout 14 offices in Spain and Portugal, is to bring to the end consumer the 100% renewable energy that it is already producing in its own facilities.

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