
Wind Power

07 Jun 2021

Taaleri Energia Swoops for 252MW Finnish Wind

07 Jun 2021  by   

Taaleri Energia has bought two ready-to-build wind farms in Finland with a combined capacity of 252MW using capital from its Taaleri II SolarWind fund.

Along with its co-investors, Taaleri has acquired 100% ownership of the two projects, which are Isoneva in the north-west and Murtotuuli in the north of the country.

Construction works on both projects started in April 2021, and both are expected to be operational by the fourth quarter of 2022.

With a total of 42 Vestas V162-6.0 MW turbines, the wind farms will have a combined installed capacity of 252MW and the combined annual production of electricity will be approximately 675GWh.

Both wind farms have entered into 15-year power purchase agreements to sell a substantial portion of the electricity they produce to Finnish energy company Suomen Voima. The balance of plant contractor for both wind farms is Infra Builders.

Taaleri Energia’s managing directory Kai Rintala said: “These two Finnish wind investments are an excellent addition to the Taaleri SolarWind II fund’s Nordic portfolio.

“They are fully commercial, subsidy free, utilise the very latest wind turbine technology and demonstrate the value of our in-house project development, construction, technical and commercial management capabilities.”

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