

09 Jun 2021

Loop Energy, GreenCore Aiming for 1,500 EV and Hydrogen Refuelling Stations by 2026

09 Jun 2021  by   

Loop Energy and GreenCore have revealed a new partnership today (June 8) to develop and build hydrogen-powered EV charging stations with the first pilot installation planned for 2021.

This is expected the grow each year with more than 1,500 EV and hydrogen refuelling stations expected by the end of 2026.

As part of the new partnership, GreenCore will work with Loop Energy, as well as some of its ecosystem partners, to design and build hydrogen-powered DC fast charging stations based on loop’s high efficiency fuel cells.

GreenCore charging stations will store energy in the form of compressed hydrogen which will then be converted into electrical power when required for charging of the user’s battery-powered vehicles.

It is believed that that this will allow the stations to be grid independent, rapidly deployable, low cost as well as having a low carbon footprint.

The hydrogen-powered charging stations will also help solve serious issues in peak energy pricing and remote energy access that is currently facing the EV industry as well as exclusively use hydrogen sourced by BayoTech.

Frank Baumann, CEO of GreenCore, said, “Loop Energy is the perfect partner to work alongside GreenCore in building better, faster, and greener EV charging stations.

“Together, we will be able to cut peak energy costs and deliver charging points in previously unimaginable locations.”

George Rubin, CCO of Loop Energy, said, “As electrification of personal and commercial transportation is going into over-drive, the timing for GreenCore’s hydrogen-powered DC fast-charge solution is perfect.

“Easily overlooked during the early going, limited grid infrastructure capabilities present a serious issue. We are very excited to support our partners at GreenCore as they roll-out their solution.”

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