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19 Jul 2021

Hydrogen Competence Centre Launched by TÜV Rheinland

19 Jul 2021  by   

TÜV Rheinland has launched the TÜV Rheinland Hydrogen Competence Centre to bundle together its services for the safe production, storage, transportation and use of hydrogen.

© TÜV Rheinland © TÜV Rheinland

Announcing the launch today (July 16), TÜV Rheinland said the centre is a starting point for the further development of services for industry in all of TÜV Rheinland’s fields of activity, from industrial testing to mobility applications, product testing, system certifications as well as training, occupational health and safety.

TÜV Rheinland said centre launch was prompted by the imminent and necessary energy transition.

“The aim of the new competence centre is to provide partners from the business community worldwide with services along the entire value chain in the use of hydrogen as an energy carrier. To this end, we are bringing together experts from numerous disciplines,” said, Thomas Fuhrmann, Head of TÜV Rheinland’s Hydrogen Competence Centre.

He continued, “The energy transition – that is, the switch from fossil to renewable energy generation – brings with it a key challenge: the problem of storage. The two most important renewable energy sources are the sun and the wind, both of which are already excellent in technical terms for energy generation.

“However, they are not available at regular intervals; generation fluctuates depending on the weather and time of day. When it comes to the storage problem, hydrogen can offer a solution and be an opportunity to link previously separate areas such as electricity, heat and mobility.”

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