
Nuclear Power

30 Jul 2021

Taipower Applies to Decommission Maanshan Nuclear Nlant

30 Jul 2021  by   

The plant’s 40-year license expires in 2025.

The Taiwan Power Company (Taipower) has sought the approval of the Atomic Energy Council (AEC) to shut down the Maanshan nuclear power plants.

The Maanshan 1 and Maanshan 2 power plants power reactors will be decommissioned at the same time as its 40-year operating license expires. Under Taiwan’s nuclear phase-out policy, nuclear plants need to be shut down at the same time as their license expires.

The phase-out of Maanshan 1 will be on 27 July 2024 whilst Maanshan 2’s license will expire on 17 May 2025.

Under the Taiwan Nuclear Reactor Facility Control Law, Taipower needs to submit a file on application to decommission the units at least three years prior to energy production stopping, which the company has done according to the AEC.

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