
Nuclear Power

08 Sep 2021

JSC Atomenergoprom Obtains ‘Robust’ ESG Score from V.E, Part of Moody’s ESG Solutions

08 Sep 2021  by Rosatom   
JSC Atomenergoprom, the company that consolidates nuclear civil assets of State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom or ROSATOM, was awarded a score of 56/100 for its environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance by V.E, part of Moody’s ESG Solutions. The score, which is 12 points higher than its 2020 ESG Assessment, indicates a ‘Robust’ approach to integrating material ESG factors within ROSATOM’s strategy and operations. JSC Atomenergoprom also leads its peer group, which consists of 26 companies in the industrial goods and services sector from emerging markets.

JSC Atomenergoprom received either ‘Robust’ or ‘Advanced’ performance across each environmental, social and governance pillar. V.E. assesses performance across a further 25 ESG criteria, including environmental performance, human and labor rights, human resources management, contributing to the well-being of local communities, corporate governance, and responsible business conduct. For the majority of these criteria, JSC Atomenergoprom’s scores improved versus V.E’s 2020 assessment.

This significant improvement in the ESG score has been achieved thanks to the company's continuous efforts to making sustainable development principles part of day-to-day operations of nuclear industry in Russia. Among others, efforts include introduction of the Sustainable Development Policy of State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom, the sole shareholder of JSC Atomenergoprom, joining UN Global Compact, launch of the internal sustainability assessment procedure of the Company’s product line.

ROSATOM Director General Alexey Likhachev commented: “Contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals is our strategic priority. The results of V.E’s ESG score indicate the robust nature of our sustainable development practices. We are planning to continue further implementation of principles and best practices of sustainable development into our activities both in Russia and abroad."

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