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09 Sep 2021

Uganda Promotes Chinese-Built Power Plants As Superstructure Tourism Sites

09 Sep 2021  by Xinhua   

Uganda is set to promote the Chinese constructed Karuma Hydro Power Plant and Isimba Hydro Power Plant, both on River Nile, as tourism sites.

Uganda Tourism Board (UTB) and the Uganda Electricity Generation Company Limited, the manager of the power plants, on Tuesday signed a partnership to package and market the 600MW Karuma Hydro Power Dam and the 183MW Isimba Hydro Power Dam as superstructure (infrastructure) tourism products.

Lilly Ajarova, UTB Executive Director described the new venture as the beginning of an important journey, saying the venture will diversify the tourism products.

Zhang Lizhong, Chinese ambassador to Uganda referred to the partnership as a brilliant idea.

"Karuma and Isimba Hydropower Plants, mega infrastructure in Uganda and major cooperation projects between China and Uganda, will turn into special scenic spots," Zhang said.

Karuma is one of the largest underground hydro power plant in the east African region. The power plant which is still under construction has underground power house, tunnels, and neighbors the Murchison Falls National Park, one of Uganda's premium tourism sites.

Isimba is located along the Nile in the central region, neighboring Jinja district where the source of River Nile, a key tourism site, is found.

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