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Energy Economy

12 Oct 2021

Sonnedix Awarded 39% of Total Energy Supply in Chile

12 Oct 2021  by Energy Global   
Sonnedix, the global solar independent power producer (IPP) has been awarded 903 GWh/yr, equivalent to 39% of the National and International Public Tender for the Supply of Energy and Electric Power 2021/01, in which 29 Chilean and foreign generating companies participated.

The tender, which reached a new historical low of US$23.39/MWh on average, auctioned 2310 GWh to supply the energy needs of regulated costumers of the National Electric System (SEN) for a period of 15 years from 2026.

“We are tremendously proud of being awarded such an important part of this very competitive tender because it shows our ability to compete in the Chilean electricity system”, said Sergio del Campo, Director of Sonnedix Chile.

Axel Thiemann, Chief Executive Officer of Sonnedix, highlighted that seeing renewables energy companies among the winners of this tender “shows the importance of this sector in the national energy matrix. To Sonnedix, this award is an excellent opportunity to expand our presence in Chile, allowing us to build around 424 MW in solar photovoltaic (PV) projects, investing approximately US$300 million.”

Sonnedix currently has 4.6 GW of total capacity, including a development and construction pipeline of over 3 GW. The solar IPP continues actively seeking development and acquisition opportunities across OECD countries.

On the preparation of this proposal, Sonnedix was advised by Guerrero Olivos.

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