
Policy & Regulation

15 Nov 2021

German Reactions to the COP26 Climate Summit Results

15 Nov 2021  by   

The UN climate summit COP26 in Glasgow has heralded in the end of the fossil fuel era, said German environment minister Svenja Schulze shortly after the conference. However, not everyone saw the two-week meeting in a similarly positive light. Many observers criticised that COP26 was a disappointment especially for the poorer and most vulnerable nations, which had called on wealthy countries to take responsibility for decades of human-caused climate change and for more funds to deal with its effects. Clean Energy Wire has colle
cted reactions from German and European politicians, NGOs, businesses, media and researchers to the outcome of the climate summit.

Reactions from Germany to the UN climate change conference COP26 in Glasgow are mixed, as the agreed deal between 197 nations "makes everyone a little unhappy". A Glasgow Climate Pact, including the notion that climate action needs to be accelerated within this decade to keep global temperature from rising more than 1.5°C as well as a historic reference to the phase-out of climate damaging subsidies to fossil fuels, was decided after two weeks of negotiations.

Read the full story here.



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