In a statement, Tata Power said the project, covering over 5,000 acres of land in Rajasthan, is expected to be completed within 24 months and will be developed under the central public sector undertaking scheme of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.
It is expected to reduce around 22.87,128 kilograms of carbon emissions and generate around 2500 million units annually.
“Implementation of such a large project reflects our commitment to the promotion of clean and green energy in the country and strengthens our position as the leading solar EPC player,” said Tata Power CEO and Managing Director Praveer Sinha.
The project brings Tata Power’s cumulative portfolio of utility-scale renewables projects to over 9.3 gigawatts, with its order booking crossing approximately $1.57b (INR120b).
$1 = INR76.67