
Climate Change

21 Jul 2022

UK Circles 2040 for Net Zero Domestic Flights

21 Jul 2022  by   

Image: Shutterstock

The UK’s jet zero future has taken off with the publication of the strategy that will allow the country’s aviation industry to cut its carbon dioxide emissions.

The government has set a target for all domestic flights to reach net zero by 2040 – it said a consultation on potential ways to achieve this goal will be launched next year.

The UK has also committed the sector to achieve jet zero by 2050 – this commitment will be cemented by a five-year delivery plan.

The measures stated in the plan include the set-up of a carbon emissions reduction trajectory with interim targets, the progress against which will be reviewed every year.

The government has also pledged to negotiate an agreement on a long-term goal for carbon dioxide emissions of international aviation.

It said it will start work on that at the 41st International Civil Aviation Organization Assembly in September.

In a joint statement, Transport Secretary Grant Shapps, Minister for Aviation Robert Courts and Minister for Transport Decarbonisation Trudy Harrison said: “The strategy is underpinned by an overarching approach and three principles.

“We are setting clear decarbonisation goals; in addition to the 2050 net zero target, we want all domestic flights to achieve net zero by 2040 and for all airport operations in England to be zero emission by the same year.

“We will be setting an emissions reduction trajectory for the sector and will be monitoring progress through five-years reviews.

“We recognise that many of the technologies needed to decarbonise the sector are at an early stage of development and therefore this approach is essential to allow new technology to be developed, tested and adopted across the industry.”


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