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13 Aug 2022

First Iranian Geothermal Plant on the Grid and Operational

13 Aug 2022  by   

Project site of the 5 MW Sabalan project, Iran (source: Iranian Geothermal Energy Association)

With power lines in place, the Meshginshahr (Sabalah) geothermal power plant seems to have finally start operation and making Iran officially a member of the geothermal power countries.

In late July, local news from Ardabil, Iran report that the Meshginshahr geothermal power plant (Sabah) has started delivering electricity to the grid, according to the CEO of Ardabil Province Electricity Distribution Company.

In an interview with ISNA, Hossein Al-Padiyy said: The last stage of the implementation of electricity transmission lines from the Sabalan geothermal power plant to the interior of Meshginshahr city was completed with a cost of over 100 billion Rials (around USD 2.4 million).

He clarified: “Drilling wells have started several years ago with the efforts of Iranian researchers and experts to use the earth’s energy.” So that 11 wells with a depth of three thousand meters have been drilled in the slopes of Sablan by the efforts of the National Drilling Company. In April 2022, local news reported on a planned start in the summer of 2022. Overall investment cost is estimated at around USD 47 million.

Drilling of the wells and production on the site were delayed, the construction of a geothermal power plant in this area was started two years ago with the efforts of domestic experts and specialists. And even its contents were discussed in physics and geology textbooks of secondary school.

Al-Padi added: Ardabil province is one of the few provinces in the country that has geothermal energy and through this power plant it is possible to supply electricity to various domestic and industrial sectors.

He pointed out: With the construction of a 27-kilometer long transmission line and its injection into the 63 kV substation, the operation of this power plant has begun, and we hope that after years of study and discussion, the possibility of transferring energy to Meshgin city and improving the lighting conditions in renewable energy Let’s witness Sablan domains.

The CEO of Ardabil Province Electricity Distribution Company added: We hope that in the coming years, more sources of this energy will be provided and used through the national network.


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