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Wind Power

17 Jun 2019

ERG Wins 18-MW Wind Farm in French Auction

17 Jun 2019  by RenewablesNow/Lucas Morais   
Wind farm. Author: A W. Wind farm. Author: A W.
Italian energy company ERG SpA (BIT:ERG), through a local unit called Parc Eolien du Pays a Part, has won an 18-MW project in France's third onshore wind auction.

Located in Northern France, in the region of Pas-de-Calais, the project is at an advanced stage in its authorisation process. It has won a 20-year contract for difference and is part of the roughly 750-MW pipeline acquired with Epuron Energies Renouvelables SAS last year, the Italian company noted.

The plant is estimated to be able to produce around 44 GWh annually upon completion, which is enough to meet the power needs of about 15,000 households.

The French government contracted a total of 516 MW in the tender at an average bid price of EUR 63 (USD 71.2) per MWh.

(EUR 1.0 = USD 1.130)


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