This came following the company’s international competitive bidding process for fuel ammonia procurement in February as preparation for the operation of large-volume co-firing fuel ammonia of 20% of the heating value at Hekinan Thermal Power Station Unit 4, JERA said in a statement.
The station will start operation in the latter half of 2020s, it said.
Under the MOUs, they will develop fuel-ammonia carriers for domestic thermal power plants and receiving stations and build a fuel-ammonia transportation and receiving system.
They will also install and operate propulsion engines using ammonia as ship fuel and collaborate with related parties to form rules related to the receiving of fuel ammonia.
JERA said that crafting a method for ammonia transportation as a fuel for power generation will create a supply chain for the Hekinan Thermal Power Plant from upstream fuel ammonia to power generation.
“If the development of large-volume ammonia carriers and the construction of a fuel ammonia supply chain are achieved, both world would be world firsts,” it said.