

04 Jan 2023

Land Allocated for Green Hydrogen Projects in Egypt

04 Jan 2023  by   

The Egyptian government has made a significant commitment to the development of green hydrogen and renewable energy in theounty. At a meeting held in the New Aministrative (apital. the (abinet authorized the allocation of 141.075 feddans of state-ownerland in the Matrouh Governorate for renewable energy projects. This land wil be made available to investors through the usufructscheme, which is administered by the New and Renewable Energy Authority (NREA).
in addition to this land allocation.the (abinet also approved the allocation of 303 3 hectares in Matrouh for the construction of greenhydrogen and green ammonia production facilities. This decision is in line with the government's goal of establishing Egypt as a majorexporter of green energy in the region.
The Cabinet also made a number of land parcels available for wind projects in the southern governorates of Aswan and Sohag. Theseprojects will help to diversify Egypt's energy mix and reduce the country's reliance on fossil fuels.
The development of green hydrogen and renewable energy projects in Egypt is expected to create numerous economic andenvironmental benefits for the country. Green hydrogen, which is produced through the electrolysis of water using renewableelectricity, has the potential to play a significant role in the decarbonization of various sectors, including transportation, industry, andpower generation.
Investment in renewable energy and green hydrogen projects in Egypt could also create new job opportunities and stimulateeconomic growth. it could also helo to reduce the countrv's carbon emissions and improve air aualitv. which would have positivehealth and environmentalimpacts
The Egyptian government's commitment to the development of green hydrogen and renewable energy is an important step in thetransition to a low-carbon future. t is hoped that this commitment will encourage other countries in the region to follow suit andmake similar investments in clean energy technologies.
Overall, the allocation of land for green hydrogen and renewable energy projects in Egypt is a positive development that wil help toyositon the country as a eader in the transition to a ow-carbon. sustainabie future. tis an exciting time for the rountrv as it ooks ttap into the potential of these technologies and drive economic and environmental benefits for its citizens.


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