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16 Mar 2023

Dominica Geothermal Project Proceeds to Drilling of Reinjection Well

16 Mar 2023  by thinkgeoenergy   
Drilling rig at Dominica (source: PM Roosevelt Skerrit)
Drilling of the first reinjection well for the Dominica geothermal power project is now set to start following successful drilling of a production well.

Following the confirmation that the drilling of the first production well has been completed, recent updates on the Dominica geothermal project indicate that drilling of reinjection well has started. Drilling of the reinjection well is planned to a depth of 1500 meters, but the total depth may be decreased depending on preliminary findings.

According to the Government of Dominica, drilling of the reinjection well may “last upwards of 28 days.” This recent update has also been reported by Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit.

Government officials have also reported that testing of the first production well gave excellent results in terms of pressure, temperature, and permeability.

The geothermal project in the village of Laudat in Roseau Valley is being developed by the Dominica Geothermal Development Company (DGDC), a wholly owned entity of the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica. A previous update indicated that an environmental and social impact assessment study is ongoing for the project.


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