
Wind Power

20 Mar 2023

A Road Trip Dedicated to Sustainability in Greece

20 Mar 2023  by evwind   

Ever since 2008, when Enel Green Power was formed, we have been making a decisive contribution to the sustainable development and prosperity of the regions where we operate. Over the years, our activities in more than 20 different geographical areas have addressed local needs through dozens of sustainable and resilient social solidarity projects.

Our people have created mutually beneficial relationships with local organizations and communities, from Achaia to Kozani and South Evia to Crete. And, as we celebrate 15 years of business activity in Greece, we have created a special green road trip which presents some of these programs. This short film chronicles our substantial social contribution through sustainable initiatives.

First stop at the “Lithos” wind park in Kalavryta

The trip started at the “Lithos” wind park in Kalavryta. The park is located at an altitude of 1600 meters. It was here, in 2021, that we co-organized there the 43rd “Thysias” bike race, whose route passed by the wind park. In this way, the local community became more familiar with the project, as well as with the benefits for the area. Since then, we have continued to support the Hellenic Cycling Federation. Its President, Vassilis Diamantopoulos, says: “We collaborated with Enel Green Power because we have common goals: the reduction of air pollution and the improvement of the green environmental footprint. It was the largest ever turnout for this event with more than 400 people taking part. This was unprecedented for Greece, and we are delighted to be working with the company.”

The journey continues at the “Vamvakies” photovoltaic park in Kozani

The next stop on our trip was Kozani in Western Macedonia, home of the “Vamvakies” solar park. Here, in collaboration with Wise Greece, CluBE (the Cluster of Bioeconomy and Environment of Western Macedonia) and the Municipality of Kozani, we set up the award-winning “Vamvakies, a green social project.” This is an educational program which aims to promote agri-food entrepreneurship. Through this project, 250 young people were given training, while a group of women are already active in an agrivoltaic project at the park. They are planting aromatic herbs in order to supply Europe’s first agricultural products from a photovoltaic park.

Furthermore, we are actively supporting the local community through continuous initiatives in the village of Polymylos. Spyros Avramidis, the President of the Polymylos Community, says: “We were lucky to have a company like Enel Green Power with us. During the Covid-19 pandemic, it offered technology equipment to primary schoolchildren to enable them to attend their classes remotely and, in consultation with the village doctor, it donated equipment to the Local Health Centre, thereby assisting locals who cannot be taken to a hospital.”

Next stop: the wind farms in Heraklion, Crete

Our trip continued in Heraklion in Crete. Here, for several years now we have, alongside the operation of our projects, been undertaking initiatives for the local community and the protection of migrant birds of prey. One initiative is being implemented at the Kouloukonas and Agios Kyrillos wind parks, which are located at an altitude of more than 1000 meters: in collaboration with the Natural History Museum and the University of Crete, bird flights are being studied. Based on those studies, bird feeders were placed at specific points in the surrounding mountains, on routes far from the wind parks. The birds can thus head for the feeders on cloudy days to get food and continue their journey. Michalis Probonas, Head of the Ecology Laboratory of the University of Crete, says that “Our collaboration with Enel Green Power Hellas started many years ago through bird monitoring programs related to its power plants in Crete. We have been operating and monitoring bird feeders in Crete since 2019. During this time, some 12 tons of food have been placed in the feeders, in order to support the bird populations.”

Our final destination: Kafireas in South Evia

Our road trip concluded in South Evia, specifically, Karystos. This is home to Kafireas, the largest cluster of wind parks in Greece. Since the beginning of the park’s construction, we have worked alongside the local community, by supporting associations in the area. Initiatives include the reforestation of the historical forest of Kastanologgos. Its size has decreased by 40% and it could be lost entirely in a few years. With total funding of €2m, we aim to reverse its decline by taking action in 240 acres of existing forest and planting new trees on the surrounding 400 acres. The project will therefore bring new life to 640 acres, an area roughly equivalent to 90 soccer pitches.

At the same time, we support “Anemos” Cycling Club and the “Heri-Heri” Association for the Protection of People with Disabilities. The President of the “Anemos” Cycling Club, Gerasimos Lykoudis, says: “Recently we held an event exclusively for young children, featuring all the games we remember from our childhood.” George Pantelis, the Secretary of the “Heri-Heri” Association, added that “the van donated by Enel Green Power Hellas serves all the Association’s needs, such as the transportation of People with Disabilities, outdoor activities and any other transportation requirements.”

Regarding the short film, our Head of Communications Europe, Konstantinos Efremidis, says: “Since 2008, we have been a key contributor not only to national green energy efforts, but we have also proven that we stand by the local communities where we operate, following the Creating Shared Value model. This trip to the four geographical areas confirms and illustrates in the most constructive way that we are creating essential mutual values with the communities in the areas where we operate. The journey continues, and soon we will be presenting more green initiatives.”

In order to promote the principles of solidarity, generosity and social contribution, we enable a sustainable development model that fosters relationships of trust with the residents of the areas where we operate while supporting the transition to clean forms of energy.


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