The two boreholes in Windischeschenbach are collectively referred to as the “KTB deep crustal lab” after the German Continental Deep Drilling Programme (Kontinentales Tiefbohrprogramm der Bundesrepublik Deutschland). This was a scientific deep drilling project funded by the Federal Ministry of Research. The two boreholes, with depths of 4 and 9.1 kilometers, were drilled between 1987 and 1994.
The GEOREAL hydraulic stimulation experiment aims to address research topics relevant to characterizing the geothermal potential of the metamorphic basement. The two KTB boreholes provide direct access to low-permeability rock at temperatures greater than 100 degrees Celsius.
The goal of GEOREAL is to enhance hydraulic reservoir properties in the KTB pilot hole while avoiding noticeable seismic events. To this end, a seismic monitoring network within a radius of 10 kilometers around the KTB will be set up to detect microearthquakes while hydraulic tests are done at depths greater than 3.9 kilometers.
A further goal of GEOREAL is to improve on the existing best practices of hydraulic stimulation, thus reducing potential risks and improving the acceptance of deep geothermal in Germany.
Preparations for the experiment are already underway, and it is expected to start in a few weeks. The experiment is expected to take about four weeks followed by a long period of data evaluation. The entire project duration is two years.