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Oil & Gas

13 Apr 2023

Rig Spuds Fifth Well in Black Sea Drilling Campaign

13 Apr 2023  by   

Canada’s oil and gas player Trillion Energy has started drilling the fifth well in its 2022 – 2023 drilling campaign on a natural gas field in the Black Sea off Türkiye.

Uranus rig; Source: Trillion Energy

Trillion Energy announced on Tuesday, 11 April 2023, that the Bayhanli-2 well was spud on 5 April 2023 at the East Ayazli Tripod on the SASB gas field. The drilling operations are being carried out with the Uranus rig, which was hired in May 2022 for this drilling campaign. The well is currently drilled to a depth of 496 metres.

According to the Canadian player, Bayhanli-2 is the fifth gas well in its multi-well drilling programme at the SASB field development. This well targets a previously discovered gas pool, which was never previously produced, through a long-reach directional wellbore to enable production. Trillion anticipates that drilling, casing, perforation and testing will take a total of about 45 days.

The company explains that the Bayhanli gas pool is “a significant target” and may likely require additional wells in the future to fully produce the economic reserves. Upon completion, the Bayhanli-2 well is expected to reach a total measured depth of 3,400 metres and a true vertical depth of about 1,200 metres, extending horizontally over 2 kilometres from the East Ayazli offshore tripod.

This comes after Trillion Energy revealed flow test results for the Guluc-2 well at the SASB natural gas field while the flow test results for the previous three wells – South Akçakoca-2, Akçakoca-3, and West Akçakoca-1 – were disclosed in early and late November 2022 for the first two wells and in March 2023 for the third well.

The Canadian firm plans to add three sidetrack wells to the development programme for the SASB field, increasing the total number of wells for this Black Sea drilling campaign from 17 to 20.


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