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24 Jun 2019

France: Chambéry to Open First “Zero Emission Valley” Hydrogen Station

24 Jun 2019  by FuelCellsWorks   

As part of the “Zero Emission Valley” scheme set up by Europe and the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, Laurent Wauquiez, President of the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region, Xavier Dullin, President of Chambéry-Grand Lac Economy and Michel Dantin, mayor of Chambery laid the foundation stone of a hydrogen charging station on Thursday, June 20th.

With a capacity of 50 vehicles per day, it will be powered by renewable energies.

The area between Chambéry and Aix-les-Bains has been designated experimental territory as part of the Zero Emission Valley (ZEV) project.

Officially launched in December 2017 in the same territory, Zero Emission Valley brings together all players in the hydrogen sector, public and private, and aims to develop hydrogen mobility in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. It targets the creation of 20 hydrogen charging stations powered by 15 electrolysers and the financing of a fleet of 1,000 fuel cell vehicles. A first renewable hydrogen charging station will be operational in Chambéry before the end of 2019.

Hydrogen yes, but “renewable” hydrogen

Obtained by the electrolysis of water, the 40 kg of hydrogen produced per day by the station will allow the recharging of a fleet of 50 vehicles. A renewable production since the station will be supplied with electricity through certificates of guarantee of origin of the energy (solar, wind, hydro-electric). Eventually, the station will be powered by dedicated renewable energy generation plants.


An avant-garde territory on smart energies

Experimental territory of the Zero Emission Valley (ZEV) project, this living area hosts a sector of excellence in smart energies with the presence of companies such as Atawey, Symbio, Energy Pool, General Electric, Steadysun, Cythelia Energie, Sylfen or PowerUp; the first European research center with INES (National Institute of Solar Energy), CEA and EDF CIH (Hydraulic Engineering Center), bringing together nearly 1000 researchers, and a pioneering training center for hydrogen automotive training with Technopolys. This whole ecosystem revolves around a dedicated business park, Savoie Technolac. In parallel with the station, several hydrogen devices are being developed such as an autonomous shuttle, buses, a riverboat on Lake Bourget or dump trucks whose station would be fueled by burning waste. Other tools are already operational such as two charging stations for 15 hydrogen bicycles, including one powered by a solar road.

Around Chambery and Aix-les-Bains, thanks to the ZEV scheme, 15 companies and structures volunteered to engage in hydrogen mobility by purchasing a total of nearly 40 vehicles: SDIS 73, Vicat-SATM, ENGIE Cofely, SCDC, Savoie Waste, EDF CIH, Taxis and VTC 73, Chamber of Trades and Crafts, Jean Lain Automobiles, City of La Motte-Servolex, City of Chambéry, City of Aix-les-Bains, Department of Savoie , SERFIM, Grand Lac, Grand Chambery … The goal is to reach 50 vehicles before the end of 2019.

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