The Air-FTG survey was completed in early 2023 as part of Projekt THERMO, which aims to evaluate the potential for geothermal power generation in the region with a potential by-product of heat production. The Company notes that Projekt THERMO is now owned 100% by ZeroGeo, with the joint venture with OMV having concluded upon the completion of the FTG Survey.
Commencement of the Air-FTG survey was announced in November 2022.
ZeroGeo is also pleased to announce the commencement of a marketing campaign with respect to any parties who may wish:
to purchase the FTG Survey data; and/or
participate in Projekt THERMO.
The processed data will now be integrated into the subsurface model. This information will form the basis for deciding on the next phase of Projekt Thermo, which may consist of a 3D seismic survey and/or exploratory drilling.
“We are very pleased to have successfully completed the FTG Survey and are confident that the excellent quality of the data that was acquired will be extremely valuable to both ZeroGeo and any other parties who have a need for high quality FTG data to assist with their operations. We are excited to heading into the next phase of our project to provide low-carbon baseload electricity to Niedersachsen and expect to provide an update on Projekt THERMO in the near future. We would like to thank OMV for their support during the FTG Survey stage of the project,” commented John Ashbridge, CEO of ZeroGeo.