GeoCogen Eclépens is a deep geothermal project that aims to jointly produce renewable heat and electricity by 2023. The Eclépens region was chosen for the project because of its exceptional geological characteristics and historical data indicating temperatures above 110 °C at depths of about 2100 meters. The project benefits from the support of the Federal Office of Energy (SFOE).
Geo2X SA will be overseeing the measurement campaign and will also be meeting with concerned private owners to secure their authorization for passage. The measurement campaign will commence this autumn and will last three weeks
in the Vaud districts of Morges, Gros-de-Vaud and Jura-Nord Vaudois. The 32 municipalities concerned have all been informed. The campaign will be preceded by an information session to the authorities and the population.
The initial phase of the project consists of exploring the subsurface through a 3D geophysical campaign covering a permitted area of 100 km2 which was granted last year by the State of Vaud under the cantonal law on subsurface natural resources (LRNSS, 2018). This prospecting phase will allow the construction of a 3D geological model to a depth of 4 000m, the definition of trajectories for future exploratory wells, and the formal request of a subsurface research permit. The exploitation technology used, known as hydrothermal, will not require hydraulic fracking.
The GeoCogen Eclépens project is fully in line with the objectives of the Confederation’s energy strategy as well as those of the law on climate and innovation adopted by the people on June 18th. The objective of SGE is to contribute to the development of renewable energies and the achievement of carbon neutrality in our country.