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10 Aug 2023

Netherlands Publishes 2023 Sustainable Energy Subsidy Scheme

10 Aug 2023  by thinkgeoenergy   

Setting up of district heating system (source: TNO)
The Dutch Government thru the Government Office for Business (RVO) has published the 2023 edition of the Stimulation of Sustainable Energy Production and Climate Transition (SDE++) subsidy scheme. Applications for the SDE++ will be open from 5th of September to 5th of October 2023.

The SDE++ is an operating grant that aims to help in achieving the government’s goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands by at least 55% by 2030 compared to 1990. The scheme offers subsidy in 5 main categories:

Renewable electricity

Renewable heat

Renewable gas

Low-CO2 heat flow

Low-CO2 production

Examples of eligible projects include geothermal energy, solar PV, renewable gas from sewage treatment, residual heat from industry, and CO2 capture for use in greenhouse horticulture. Projects will receive subsidies over a period of 12 to 15 years.

Earlier this year, Directorate General for Climate and Energy of the Netherlands announced a grant of EUR 2 billion to be made available to at least 18 new geothermal projects as part of the 2023 round of SDE++.

The following documents relevant to the 2023 SDE++ have been published in the Government Gazette:

Regulation designating categories under the 2023 SDE++ (Government Gazette 2023, 20350)

Amendments to General Implementing Regulations of SDE++ (Government Gazette 2023, 20349)


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