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09 Oct 2023

Repsol Inaugurates Spain's First Commercial-Scale Renewable Hydrogen Electrolyzer

09 Oct 2023  by energynews   

Repsol inaugurated its 2.5 megawatt (MW) renewable hydrogen electrolyzer at the Petronor refinery in Muskiz, Spain. The electrolyzer is the first commercial-scale renewable hydrogen production facility in Spain and will play a key role in the development of the Basque Hydrogen Corridor.

The Basque Hydrogen Corridor is a joint initiative by Repsol and Petronor to accelerate the economic recovery of the Basque Country and Spain while advancing in decarbonization and promoting strategic sectors such as energy, mobility, industry, and services. The consortium brings together more than 80 companies, institutions, and research centers.

The electrolyzer at the Petronor refinery will produce renewable hydrogen using electricity from renewable sources. The hydrogen will be used to power the Energy Intelligence Center (EIC), Repsol’s new headquarters in the Ezkerraldea-Meatzaldea Technology Park, and to supply other customers in the Basque Hydrogen Corridor.

Repsol plans to install a total of 557 MW of renewable hydrogen capacity in Spain by 2025 and reach 1.9 gigawatts (GW) by 2030. The company is also planning to install electrolyzers at its industrial complexes in Cartagena, Tarragona, Puertollano, and A Coruña.


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