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12 Oct 2023

Silicon Ranch Completes Solar+Storage Project in Arizona

12 Oct 2023  by renewableenergyworld   
Silicon Ranch and Sulphur Springs Valley Electric Cooperative completed 20-megawatt McNeal Solar Farm (Photo: Business Wire)

Silicon Ranch, an independent power producer and renewable energy company, and Sulphur Springs Valley Electric Cooperative (SSVEC), a not-for-profit, member-owned distribution cooperative, announced the completion of the 20-MW McNeal Solar Farm.

The project includes an 80-MWh battery energy storage system (BESS), meant to enable SSVEC to meet increasing load demand and the power needs of more than 3,000 households across southeastern Arizona.

Over the past few years, SSVEC has shifted most of its energy procurement from coal to natural gas, hydropower, and solar power. By working with Silicon Ranch, SSVEC says it has been able to expand its renewable energy portfolio as it prepares to meet growing demand across its service territory. Moreover, by integrating 80 MWh of battery storage into the facility, SSVEC has more capacity to meet increasing load demand throughout the day and into the evening.

In addition to 20 MWAC of solar and 80 MWh of BESS, the McNeal site also features a new substation, which replaces an existing facility serving SSVEC members in the area and includes the interconnection infrastructure for the solar-plus-storage project. These facilities interconnect the McNeal Solar Farm with the grid so that SSVEC can distribute the solar energy to homes and businesses across its system.


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