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Wind Power

12 Oct 2023

Finnish Offshore Wind Project Digs Deep

12 Oct 2023  by offshorewind.   
Suomen Hyötytuuli has made seabed test excavations at a depth of 43 metres, deeper than ever before in Finland, at the Tahkoluoto offshore wind farm expansion project site, said the developer.

The Tahkoluoto demonstration project wind turbines will be placed in waters deeper than ever before in Finland, according to the developer.

The dense moraine of the seabed was excavated deeper than ever before in the country and the test excavations were carried out in cooperation between Dutch-Finnish Boskalis-Terramare and the Finish Hyötytuuli.

Source: Hyötytuuli

Boskalis-Terramar’s Meri-Pekka dredging vessel was fitted with equipment tailored to the needs of Suomen Hyötytuuli, which made it possible to modify the seabed and take samples at a depth of more than 40 meters, according to the press release.

In the test excavations carried out at the beginning of September, loose soil and hard moraine from the area of ​​the demo project’s wind turbines were lifted with Meri-Peka‘s bucket for examination.

Built in 2017, Tahkoluoto, which features eleven wind turbines, is Finland’s first offshore wind farm and the world’s first offshore wind farm built for freezing conditions.

The expansion project will comprise a total of 40 power plants of over 15 MW, and the project’s estimated completion date is 2027. The annual production of the expansion is estimated to reach 2,000 gigawatt-hours.


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