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07 Dec 2023

Lhyfe Renewable Hydrogen Production Facility Announced

07 Dec 2023  by hydrogenfuelnews   

The company revealed its intentions to build the 800MW green H2 plant in Lubmin, Germany.

Lhyfe recently announced that it will be building a renewable hydrogen production faciilty in Lubmin, Germany, where it plans to produce as much as 330 tons of clean H2 daily.

The 800MW project remains in the planning phase and is slated for commissioning by 2029.

When built, the renewable hydrogen plant will be one of the largest facilities of its kind within the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern region. The 800MW will be substantially larger than the existing project in Sarre, which is 70MW.

During the last couple of years, Lhyfe has established a portfolio foundation in H2 projects representing a total of 3.8GW of installed electrolysis capacity. This size has achieved 37 percent of its total project pipeline.

The new facility in Lubmin will not only further support that foundation, but it will also align with the green H2 development strategy in Germany that has the backing of the government through its recently announced intention to invest €20 billion into the technology.

For Lhyfe, both renewable hydrogen and the location chosen were selected strategically.

“This location is of strategic importance to us. We are building these plants not only for our short-term needs, but also for future generations,” said Lhyfe Head of Central and Eastern Europe Luc Graré. “The introduction of green hydrogen in Europe is a long-term project, and Lubmin meets all the requirements to establish itself as a sustainable centre for green hydrogen in the long-term.”

“We look forward to the long-term development of this location, to the development of the region’s core hydrogen infrastructure, and to supporting the longstanding decarbonisation of Europe’s industry and transport,” added Graré.

Government funding

The investment from Germany’s government will make it possible for 9,700 kilometers of pipeline to be constructed for the transportation of the renewable hydrogen throughout the country as well as into neighboring nations. This network will provide a connection between the production facilities and industrial users, power plants, storage locations, and impact corridors.

Breaking ground on this renewable hydrogen project will be dependent on receiving the necessary operating authorizations, financial investments and construction permits.


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