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21 Dec 2023

Lhyfe and Partners Launch Boxhy Project as Next Step in Ocean Reoxygenation Through Hydrogen Production

21 Dec 2023  by offshore-energy   
French hydrogen producer Lhyfe, together with its partners Flexens and Stockholm University’s Department of Ecology, Environment, and Plant Sciences (DEEP), has introduced the Baltic Sea Oxygenation and the Super-Green Hydrogen Economy project, also known as BOxHy, as the new step in the works on ocean reoxygenation.

Courtesy of Lhyfe

The project’s objective is to tackle the problem of the complete lack of oxygen in the marine environment, or anoxia, in the Baltic Sea by injecting oxygen into the sea through the production of offshore hydrogen from the water electrolysis.

Flexens-coordinated BOxHy project, which commenced in October 2023 and is expected to conclude in October 2024, will evaluate suitable offshore locations for conducting a pilot study of the reoxygenation of marine ecosystems via the oxygen co-produced during this electrolysis of water.

The project is funded by the Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) Fund.

Injecting pure oxygen below the pycnocline could, in conjunction with external nutrient input limitation, eliminate anoxia in the Baltic Sea as investigated in the BSAP-funded study published in October 2022. To continue the work, the BOxHy project will initiate the pilot site preparation for testing oxygen injection in the Baltic Sea, Lhyfe explained.

Deep oxygen injection, also known as DOI, is a method where pure oxygen gas is released deep under the water’s surface, below a region where strong changes in water density occur, using a system that spreads out the oxygen evenly with micro-bubbles. The project will identify a suitable fjord-scale pilot site for DOI and begin its preparations, including stakeholder engagement and identifying potential funding sources.

“Given Flexens’ island roots and passion for the Baltic Sea, we are particularly thrilled to be managing and coordinating this project. Our role includes mapping existing and potential Power-to-X projects to find connections with anoxic regions and determining the electrolyser capacity required to meet the oxygen demand in these regions. We are also responsible for investigating the energy supply availability for potential large-scale electrolysers from planned offshore wind farms (e.g., in the Åland Islands),” said project manager Szilvia Haide from Flexens.

“The project aims to not only explore the expansion of the ‘super-green’ hydrogen economy but also to ignite vital discussions on this topic. We’re actively engaging with key stakeholders to navigate the technical, financial, political, regulatory, and social landscapes essential for the success of this innovative initiative. We will also organize informational events and oversee the creation and publication of a project report.”

As part of the BOxHy project, Lhyfe will investigate the integration of DOI technology with the offshore hydrogen production platform, and the replicability of the platform in the Baltic Sea environment. The French company has already piloted the world’s first offshore green hydrogen production facility via the Sealhyfe project of Le Croisic, France.


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