We had previously reported on the start of the permitting process for the Dora-5 geothermal power project. The power plant will be constructed by Menderes Jeotermal Elektrik Uretim Anonim Sirketi in the location of Cekirdekderesi 3452 Parcel, Carsi Mahallesk and will use ORC technology. At a capacity of 19.8 MWe, the power plant is expected to generate 133, 293 MWh of clean electricity per year.
Part of the Dora-5 project is the drilling of the AS23 and AS24 production wells to depths of approximately 1000 to 1100 meters. The expected temperature and flow rates are approximately ~170°C and ~55 lt/sec. The PIF also states plans to drill the ASR17 and ASR18 reinjections wells to depths of 1000 to 1200 meters.
The Dora-1, Dora-2, Dora-3A, Dora-3B, and Dora-4 geothermal power facilities, operated by Menderes Geothermal, continue to produce electricity at a total installed capacity of 74 MWe. The 8.5-MWe Dora-1 power plant, which started operating in 2006, is considered the first geothermal power plant in Türkiye to be developed by private investment.
We previously reported that Menderes Geothermal Elektrik Uretim A.S., a subsidiary of MB Holding, is planning a 1000 m deep borehole to be used as a production well in Kosk district of Aydin.