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Energy Storage

25 Nov 2019

Successful Extraction of Lithium from Geothermal Fluid in New Zealand

25 Nov 2019  by Alexander Richter   

Silica extraction plant of Geo40 at Ohaaki, NZ (source: Geo40 Ltd.) Silica extraction plant of Geo40 at Ohaaki, NZ (source: Geo40 Ltd.)

New Zealand-based Geo40 has been successful in extracting near battery-grade lithium from geothermal brine at its silica extraction demonstration plant at the Ohaaki geothermal power plant near Taupo, New Zealand.

As reported today, Taupo/ New Zealand-based Geo40 has reported that it has been able to extract “near battery-grade lithium” from geothermal fluid. With a cost of batter-grade lithium at about USD 10,000/ tonne, this is a highly valuable and sought after mineral.

The company started a commercial demonstration plant at the Ohaaki geothermal power plant by Contact Energy near Taupo to extract silica. Tests now have shown that lithium in the geothermal brine was able to be extracted when the Silica had been removed.

The company trusts now, so, that it has the technology to successfully extract lithium. It will now focus on commercialising lithium extraction and in the future extract other valuable minerals such as caesium.

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