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New Energy Vehicles

26 Nov 2019

Netherlands: Fifty New Hydrogen Buses for Public Transport

26 Nov 2019  by Busworld   

Hydrogen Bus Hydrogen Bus

In an agreement between the Dutch Ministry for Infrastructure and Water Management (I&W) en three provinces funds have been allocated for the purschase of 50 new fuel cell buses buses in public transport. All 50 buses will travel through the provinces Groningen, Drenthe and South Holland by 2021 at the latest.The first 20 of these buses have already been ordered and will transport the first travellers in Groningen and Drenthe the coming year. It are Van Hools for operator Qbuzz. There are currently 8 hydrogen buses operated in public transport in the Netherlands. According to the Minister Stientje Van Veldhoven (I&W) hydrogen has the future when it comes to heavy means of transport such as buses and trucks. “They have a large operating radius, without burdening the climate and air quality. With hydrogen-electric vehicles you can cover distances of more than 400 kilometres on one tank, without producing exhaust gases.”

Of the 50 buses, 20 will run in the provinces of Groningen and Drenthe. These buses have been ordered and the corresponding hydrogen filling stations have also been put out to tender. An additional 10 buses will be added to serve the region around the city of Emmen.

Cooperation between European institutions, the provinces of Groningen and South Holland and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management make the realization of this project possible. The EU contributes 7.5 million euros via the project FCHJU HighVLOCity, JIVE2 and the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, the provinces and the ministry for each 3.75 million euros. In total 18.75 million euros. In addition, the provinces are also financially responsible for the operation of the buses.

In 2016, the Dutch government made agreements with clients in public transport that after 2025 every new bus will be emission-free. From 2030 all buses in public transport must run emission-free.

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