
Oil & Gas

21 May 2024

Train 2 Still Out of Action at Chevron's Gorgon LNG Project

21 May 2024  by upstreamonline   

Chevron's Gorgon LNG project on Barrow Island, Western Australia.Photo: CHEVRON
US supermajor Chevron has yet to restart operations at Train 2, one of the three trains at its flagship Gorgon liquefied natural gas project in Australia, after a mechanical fault late last month.

"Chevron Australia continues work to resume full production from the Gorgon Gas Facility following a mechanical fault which has affected one LNG production train,” a Chevron Australia spokesperson told Upstream on Monday.

“We’re making good progress, with the rebuild of the rotor now complete, giving us more confidence in our [original] schedule of around five weeks, subject to ongoing installation and start up activities.”

Chevron had earlier not put a timeline on its expected resumption of full operations.

Meanwhile, LNG exports this month are being impacted while the Gorgon operator continues to work to restore production from Train 2, which remains offline after suffering a mechanical fault on 30 April.

The Gorgon LNG project on Barrow Island, offshore Western Australia, comprises three 5.2 million tonnes per annum trains with combined total capacity of 15.6 million tpa.

The mechanical fault in a turbine occurred about 15.00 AWST (07.00 GMT) on Tuesday 30 April. There were no injuries or impacts to personnel associated with the fault, the operator earlier said.


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