

23 May 2024

Drilling Starts for Haute-Sorne Geothermal Project, Switzerland

23 May 2024  by thinkgeoenergy   

Start of drilling at the Haute-Sorne geothermal project in Switzerland (source: Geo-Energie Swiss)
Drilling has officially started for the Haute-Sorne geothermal project by Geo-Energie Jura AG in the canton of Jura, Switzerland. This development comes after our recent report on the project’s drill site preparation. The target depth for the well is at 4000 meters, which is expected to be reached by September.

After a detailed evaluation of the geological data obtained during drilling, stimulation tests are planned for the first quarter of 2025. The drilling is part of the first phase of the pilot project, and the results of the tests will play a key role in deciding whether the second phase of the project can be implemented as planned.

This drilling will make a significant contribution to the exploration of the deep subsurface, as it is the first drilling in the Swiss Jura Arc between Geneva and Basel that completely penetrates the sediments and reaches deep into the crystalline basement.

“Over the last three years, great progress has been made in the USA in drilling technology for drilling in hard rocks such as granite. These technological developments will also be used in Haute-Sorne,” said Peter Meier, CEO of Geo-Energie Schweiz.

Intensive seismic monitoring

The project is subject to environmental monitoring to ensure the protection of water, air and biodiversity. In addition, the Swiss Seismological Service (SED) at ETH Zurich has expanded its local measurement network and is thus providing independent, basic seismic monitoring. While perceptible rumors can be ruled out during drilling, the drilling phase nevertheless will be intensively monitored by a seismic network.

The start of drilling is a major milestone for the Haute-Sorne geothermal project which has had to grapple with controversy and negative public opinion early on. To address these concerns, the canton of Jura enacted additional safety requirements for all stages of the projects. With these concerns taken into consideration, the project had once again been given the green light to proceed in mid-2022.

Noise protection and safety measures in place

A noise barrier has been erected to protect the nearby residents from noise according to noise protection standards even while drilling proceeds 24/7. In coordination with the authorities and emergency services, a sophisticated

safety concept is in place that enables an efficient and rapid response to unforeseen events. Given the drilling company’s extensive technical know-how, such events are highly unlikely.

The central area of the construction site is not accessible. Soon the public will be able to observe this unique construction site from a viewing terrace above an information pavilion or watch the ongoing work in real time.

In connection to this, Geo-Energie Schweiz and Geo-Energie Jura will be holding a press conference on 29 May 2024 followed by a visit to the construction site.

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