

25 May 2024

Bureau of Land Management Approves Wabuska Geothermal Exploration Project

25 May 2024  by kolotv   

The Bureau of Land Management will be exploring a future geothermal site out near Yerington now that they’ve completed their environmental assessment.

Jonathan Palma, the Acting Field Manager at the Bureau of Land Management, says this project will allow Nevada to diversify our energy portfolio. He adds that geothermal energy can move the silver state into the future, and do so in a way that solar or wind can’t.

“You can get more megawatts out of a smaller area,” Palma explained.

Palma continues to say that solar or wind power can be impacted by weather conditions. Something that is not a factor with geothermal energy since it’s produced by accessing underground reservoirs of hot water. The proposed Wabuska project, located 12 miles north of Yerington, includes the drilling and testing of up to 11 geothermal wells, as well as building access roads. Should the site prove capable of commercial production, the wells may be used for production or injection drilling and geothermal fluid pipelines. The idea of creating renewable energy in their backyard has John Garry, the Mayor of Yerington, excited.

“Certainly the future is energy, and we need a lot more of it,” Garry said.

Garry explains that awhile back he visited relatives in Ireland and saw that some people over there had geothermal in their homes. He hopes that Nevada can be on the forefront for renewable energy in our country.

“It’s going to be a vital part of our future, our growth and our prosperity,” said Garry.

Typically, when a new power plant comes to town, residents tend to have some pushback. Garry says so far, the town seems to be in agreement.

“I’m in contact with the people of the community on a regular basis and of course we have council meetings where people can express their concerns and the topic hasn’t come up at all,” said Garry.

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