
Nuclear Power

27 May 2024

Financing Plan for Poland's First NPP to Get a Green Light at Turn of the Year

27 May 2024  by biznesalert   
The Government Plenipotentiary for Strategic Energy Infrastrcuture Maciej Bando revealed at the Committee on Energy in the Sejm that the European Commission’s approval of the model for financing the atom in Pomerania will come at the turn of the year. Next we’ll sign a construction contract with the Americans.

Maciej Bando spoke at a meeting of the Sejm Committee on Energy, Climate and the Treasury. Bechtel and Westinghouse estimate the cost of one reactor at $ 7 billion and the concrete for the first reactor will be poured in 2028, two years later than the schedule in the Polish Nuclear Energy Program. The Program is to be updated by the end of the year. This is a repetition of the declaration from April 2024 quoted by

What is new is the plenipotentiary’s information about the talks with the European Commission, which are taking place online and are to end up with the approval for the Polish energy program to be paid for by the contract for difference. After that, the contract for the construction of the power plant between the Polish Nuclear Power Plants, Bechtel and Westinghouse is to be signed. “We will not sign the contract until we have the Commission’s approval for the proposed financing mechanism,” the minister added. He announced legal changes allowing to divide the construction of the power plant into stages and speed up the work by up to two years.

In the Lubiatowo-Kopalino area of Pomerania, three AP1000 reactors are to be built using American technology.


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