
Wind Power

03 Jun 2024

252 MW Wind Power Plant in Gulf of Suez 'Milestone' in Europe-Egypt Relations

03 Jun 2024  by evwind   

The opening of a 252-megawatt wind power plant in the Gulf of Suez is an important milestone in the long-term partnership between Egypt and Europe, Eric Chevallier, French ambassador in Cairo, said on Sunday.

During the inauguration of the wind farm, Chevallier told Egypt Today that France is committed to cooperating with the European Union, Germany and the European Investment Bank to work closely with Egypt towards the transition to clean and green energy.

The ambassador said Egyptians are “fortunate to have sun, wind, land and all the natural resources necessary to produce renewable energy, in addition to the political will that exists at the highest levels.”

All these factors make Egypt a regional center for green energy, becoming a role model for other countries in the world, he stated.


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