
Biomass Energy

07 Jun 2024

Greengasusa, Darling Ingredients Partner to Produce RNG

07 Jun 2024  by biomassmagazine   
GreenGasUSA and Darling Ingredients Inc. are pleased to announce their partnership to produce renewable natural gas (RNG) and capture CO2 from the wastewater streams at Darling’s facilities in the U.S. The collaboration is expected to result in material greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions at Darling’s facilities from the installation of gas upgrading systems, CO2 capture systems, as well as generate other beneficial co-products.

At the core of its business, Darling Ingredients champions sustainability, and GreenGasUSA is a leading producer of RNG from environmental and industrial waste streams. Through Darling and GreenGasUSA’s collaboration they aim to accelerate the development of innovative solutions to unlock value from waste streams and deliver significant environmental benefits such as GHG reductions.

“We are excited to announce this landmark agreement with Darling Ingredients,” said CEO and Founder of GreenGasUSA Marc Fetten. “It is our mission at GreenGas to help businesses reduce their environmental impact by providing solutions that generate economic benefits. Darling Ingredients has been at the forefront of the effort to repurpose waste and integrate circularity into industrial operations and GreenGas is proud to support this mandate by partnering to convert agricultural and food waste into a valuable renewable energy product.”

South Carolina Commissioner of Agriculture Hugh Weathers commented, “The innovative collaboration between GreenGas and Darling Ingredients is evidence of the important role that the agricultural sector will play in advancing the clean energy economy. I have long been a supporter of GreenGas’s work to create renewable products from agricultural waste streams and reduce carbon emissions. And I am particularly excited about GreenGas’s CO2 capture technology that both introduces circularity into agricultural processes and creates an important raw material for producers.”


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