
Biomass Energy

13 Jun 2024

OMV Petrom Moves Forward With Renewable Diesel, SAF Project in Romania

13 Jun 2024  by biomassmagazine   

Romania-based oil company OMV Petrom on June 11 announced it will move forward with plans to convert its Petrobrazi refinery in Brazi, Romina, to produce renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). The project also includes the development of two green hydrogen facilities that will be used in the production of biofuels.

The company said it will invest approximately EUR 560 million in the renewable diesel and SAF conversion project. Once complete, the facility will have the capacity to produce 250,000 metric tons per year of SAF and renewable diesel, along with renewable coproducts naphtha and LPG.

OMV Petrom said the biorefinery will be capable of adjusting its products mix according to market demand and the available feedstock mix. The facility is expected to consume approximately 11,000 metric tons of hydrogen annually. Most of that volume will be supplied by the two new green hydrogen production units planned for development at the project site.

According to the company, total investment in the green hydrogen facilities is estimated at EUR 190 million. The two units will have a total capacity of 55 megawatts (MW), with a total annual production of green hydrogen estimated at 8,000 metric tons.

The biorefinery complex is currently expected to be operational in 2028. The integration of green hydrogen at the biorefinery is expected to enable the production of biobased fuels that achieve at least a 70% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions when compared to conventional fossil fuels.

In order to ensures access to biobased feedstock, OMV Petrom also announced it has acquired a 50% stake in Respiră Verde, a leader in the collection of used cooking oil in Romania. Respiră Verde collects up to 10,000 metric tons per year of used edible oil per year from economic agents in fields such as the hospitality industry (hotels, restaurants) and retail.

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