

24 Jun 2024

Tianjin Southwest Maritime Signs for More LPG/Ammonia Carriers

24 Jun 2024  by splash247   

Chinese owner Tianjin Southwest Maritime has returned to CSSC-affiliated Huangpu Wenchong Shipbuilding for larger ammonia dual-fuel gas carriers.

The new deal, which follows 25,000 cu m newbuilds reported by Splash earlier this year, covers two firm 41,000 cu m vessels at the yard in Guangzhou.

The 179.9-m-long ships are backed by a long-term charter to Trammo Navigation and are set to deliver in 2026 and 2027.

The vessels will be equipped with three A-type liquid cargo tanks and two deck tanks, capable of transporting LPG and ammonia.

Southwest Maritime’s cooperation with Huangpu Wenchong follows several newbuilding projects, including asphalt tankers, LPG and other multipurpose gas carriers.


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