

08 Jul 2024

South Korea Eyes 6GW Solar Power Annual Distribution in Industrial Areas

08 Jul 2024  by asian-power   
The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) has set its strategy to boost solar power generation by promoting the installation of 6 gigawatts (GW) of solar power across industrial complexes in six years,

In a statement, the ministry said there are some challenges when it comes to realising the distribution of 6GW per annum in accordance with the 11th Basic Plan on Electricity Supply and Demand. These include power system stabilisation and local residents’ receptivity issues, it noted.

To address these, MOTIE is looking into industrial complexes as candidate sites, since these have low residential population and undergo planned development. These are also highly concentrated with companies and consume large quantities of power, it added.

“MOTIE has established measures for invigorating the distribution of 6GW solar power installed across industrial complexes by 2030,” the ministry said. “The plan is to provide tailored support spanning the entire process of securing site location, licensing, and facility operation.”

Project and investment briefings will be held to encourage tenant participation, whilst business models will be determined through consultations, it added.

To strengthen the role of the public sector, the ministry said a committee, consisting of representatives from the government and related institutions, will be formed to steer public demonstration projects and site location.

Demonstration projects amounting to an aggregate 240MW will be launched this year across industrial clusters in Cheonan, Daebul, Ulsan, and Pohang. Committee members will seek measures to include the joint participation of plant owners and workers, the MOTIE said.


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