

31 Jul 2024

Spain Approves 28 GW and Grants Administrative Construction Authorisation for 283 Photovoltaic Wind Power and Hydro Plants

31 Jul 2024   

Spain’s Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) has granted the Administrative Construction Authorisation (AAC) to 283 renewables energy projects totalling 28GW that had to obtain it before July 25, in accordance with the deadlines and milestones established by Royal Decree-Law 23/2020.

The projects add up to 28,123MW and their execution will require a total investment of more than €17bn and will generate about 300,000 jobs, reinforcing the path of renewable energy growth established by the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC), said the authority.

A total of 428 renewable generation projects had started the process with the intention of obtaining the AAC, but only 321 obtained the favourable Environmental Impact Statement, and in 70% of cases with mandatory conditions to be able to materialise.

Of the 283 projects granted the AAC, 43 are wind, with an associated power of 2.6GW, while 239 are photovoltaic, with an associated power of 24.8GW, to which is added a pumping hydroelectric plant of 573MW.

All authorised projects can now begin construction immediately and must enter service within three years, contributing to the fulfillment of the objectives of the PNIEC, whose draft update 2023-2030 proposes to triple the solar power currently installed, to exceed 76GW, and double wind power to exceed 62GW, to cover 81% of electricity with clean power at the end of the decade.

MITECO said with a conservative estimate, the construction of the facilities will require a total investment of more than €17bn and will generate about 300,000 jobs – more than 41,000 jobs associated with wind and more than 260,000 jobs with photovoltaics – with special emphasis on rural areas.


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