
Wind Power

01 Aug 2024

Nordex Receives a New Order From Aquila Clean Energy for 141.6 MW of Wind Energy in Spain

01 Aug 2024  by .evwind   

Aquila Clean Energy has placed an order with the Nordex Group for the additional delivery of 24 N163/5.X wind turbines in Spain. In addition to the 21 wind turbines with a combined power of 124 MW ordered for the Baza wind farm group in June 2024, the Nordex Group will also supply additional wind turbines with a total capacity of 141.6 MW for this project. This second order also includes a Premium Service contract with a duration of 20 years.

Starting in 2025, the Nordex Group will install the Delta4000 series wind turbines on 108-meter-high steel tube towers. The Baza cluster, located in the province of Granada, in southern Spain, will eventually consist of 45 N163/5.X wind turbines with a total nominal power of more than 265 MW, after its commissioning scheduled for 2026.

With the award of the first order in June 2024, both parties had agreed that Aquila Clean Energy would have the option to expand the total number of turbines in the Baza cluster by up to 24 additional wind turbines by August 31, 2024.

“We are pleased that Aquila Clean Energy has fully exercised the additional option for the construction of the Baza group of wind farms and has ordered a further 24 wind turbines from Nordex. This is a great incentive for us to successfully implement this extensive project in the interest of our regular customer and to fulfill the trust placed in us,” says Patxi Landa, CSO of the Nordex Group.

The Group has installed more than 52 GW of wind energy capacity in more than 40 markets throughout its corporate history and generated consolidated sales of around €6.5 billion in 2023. The company currently has more than 10,200 employees and The Group’s manufacturing network includes factories in Germany. , Spain, Brazil, India, the United States and Mexico. Nordex’s product portfolio is currently focused on onshore turbines in the 4 to 6 MW+ classes that are designed to meet the market requirements of countries with limited space availability and regions with limited grid capacity.


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