

13 Aug 2024

Poland announces new funding for geothermal heating projects

13 Aug 2024  by thinkgeoenergy   

Geothermal well at Zakopane, Poland (Source: Geotermia Podhalanska)
Poland’s National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) has allocated funding of PLN 400 million (approx. USD 101 million) for geothermal energy, as well as onshore and offshore geothermal projects. The application period for this funding will be from 16 September to 15 November 2024.

The funding is part of the Strategic Research and Development Programme “New Technologies in Energy” of the NCBR, which was created to support Poland’s climate neutrality goals. The programme seeks to implement projects to improve Poland’s energy security and increase the competitiveness of the Polish economy, ultimately leading to an increase in the share of energy from renewable sources.

Under the third offer for “New technologies in the field of energy,” wind energy and geothermal energy will be granted an allocation of PLN 200 million each. It is important that proposals are for projects that have high innovative potential and degree of technological advancement.

Projects considered under the thematic area of “Energy use of geothermal energy” (THEMATIC AREA No. T6) include:

T6.1. Cogeneration geothermal system.

T6.2. Installation using geothermal waters to store electrical energy using integrated heat, cooling and electricity generation.

T6.3. Use of geothermal energy and waters in agriculture/agri-food processing in Poland.

T6.4. Technologies in the field of reservoir engineering to improve the efficiency of geothermal deposit exploitation – increasing the productivity/absorption of wells, enabling the exploitation and use of medium and highly mineralized geothermal waters.

T6.5. Technologies enabling the exploitation and use of low-temperature geothermal waters in low-temperature heating systems.

T6.6. Technology using depleted hydrocarbon deposits to obtain geothermal energy or store energy.

T6.7. Artificial intelligence in the optimization of geothermal energy acquisition to improve the efficiency of existing geothermal heating plants.

The current competition is intended for entrepreneurs and scientists. Applications can be submitted by consortia consisting of a maximum of 5 entities, consisting of at least one enterprise and at least one scientific unit. According to the regulations, the leader of the consortium that submits the application must be an enterprise.

Beneficiaries will be able to allocate the received funding to perform a feasibility study, to carry out basic research, industrial research, experimental development work and pre-implementation work. An important aspect is that the project must be carried out in 2 phases, where the maximum budget of the individual phases in a given area, i.e. T2 and T6 is as follows:

For Phase I: PLN 75 million

For Phase II: PLN 125 million

The amount of funding for individual projects will depend on the result of an expert assessment of the justification for the presented costs in terms of the proposed scope of work.

More information on the funding opportunity can be found at the official page.

Poland currently has several geothermal heating projects in different stages of development, such as in Zyrardow, Turek, Szaflary, and Glusyzca.

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