

16 Aug 2024

Tender Being Prepared for Geothermal Drilling in Kalisz, Poland

16 Aug 2024  by thinkgeoenergy   

Kalisz, Poland (source: City of Kalisz official website)
The City of Kalisz in Poland is currently preparing documents for a tender for the drilling of prospecting and exploratory wells for thermal waters. The drilling works are expected to commence by 2025 or 2026.

In early 2024, the City of Kalisz received funding of PLN 14 million (approx. USD 3.5 million) from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOSiGW) to subsidize the drilling of a geothermal well. This funding will constitute about 70% of the total investment costs. The remaining amount had already been allocated from the budget of the city.

The plan is to drill a well to a depth of 1700 meters at the site of the Kalisz Aquapark. Subsurface thermal maps have indicated that temperatures at the site reach almost 100 °C at 2000 meters, 120 °C at 3000 meters, and 155 °C at 4000 meters.

The confirmation of the geothermal resource in the city will allow for the construction of Geotermia Kalinska, which will stimulate economic development with benefits to both energy supply and tourism.

The initiative of the Kalisz is emboldened by the success of the town of Uniejow, about 50 km to the NE, which has been harnessing geothermal heat since the early 1990’s. The Geotermia Uniejow co-generation plant has an output of 3.2 MW from geothermal, 1.8 MW from biomass, and 2.4 MW from oil.

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