

20 Aug 2024

1.1 GW of Photovoltaics With Hybridization of Wind Energy Are Authorized in Spain

20 Aug 2024  by evwind   

The Official State Gazette of the last week includes announcements corresponding to projects for 1 GW, including 184 MW from TotalEnergies.

Resolution of the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines, by which Progressum Energy is granted prior administrative authorization for the modifications and construction for the Serna I Solar photovoltaic plant with 107.79 MW of installed power, and its evacuation infrastructure, located in the municipal areas of Corella and Tudela (Navarra), and its public utility is declared.

Resolution of the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines, by which Solaria is granted prior administrative and construction authorization for the 89,362 MW Aquarii Solar photovoltaic installation, and its evacuation infrastructure, in the municipalities of Villamejil and Quintana del Castillo (León), and its public utility is declared, specifically.

Resolution of the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines, by which TotalEnergies is granted prior administrative authorization for the modifications and construction for the 42.5 MW Montería Solar III PV Plant, and its evacuation infrastructure, in the municipal area of Fuentenovilla (Guadalajara), and its public utility is declared.

Resolution of the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines, by which RP Global Holding is granted prior administrative and construction authorization for the 220.20 MW Carril Solar photovoltaic installation, and its evacuation infrastructure, in the municipal limits of Puerto Lumbreras and Lorca (Murcia).

Resolution of the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines, by which TotalEnergies is granted prior administrative authorization for modifications and construction for the 50.01 MW Mauricio Solar photovoltaic installation, and its evacuation infrastructure, in municipal terms of Chinchón and Morata de Tajuña (Madrid), and, specifically, its public utility is declared.

Resolution of the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines, by which Abo Energy is granted prior administrative authorization for the modifications and construction for the 51.58 MW Morata I photovoltaic installation, and its evacuation infrastructure, in municipal terms of Villatobas and Villarrubia de Santiago (Toledo) and Colmenar de Oreja and Morata de Tajuña (Madrid).

Resolution of the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines, by which Aquila Capital is granted prior administrative and construction authorization for the 92.3 MW Villameca Solar 1-2 photovoltaic solar installation, and its evacuation infrastructure, in the terms municipalities of Quintana del Castillo and Villamejil (León).

Announcement of the Functional Area of ??Industry and Energy of the Subdelegation of the Government in A Coruña and of the Unit of the Area of ??Industry and Energy of the Subdelegation of the Government of Pontevedra, by which the request for authorization is submitted to the Public Information procedure prior administrative and environmental impact study, of the Neboreiro hybrid wind and photovoltaic installation of 45 MW of wind and 9 MW of photovoltaic, and its evacuation infrastructure, in the municipalities of Bóveda, O Saviñao, Paradela, Monforte de Lemos, Pantón (Lugo) and Nogueira de Ramuín (Ourense), promoted by Vestas.

Resolution of the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines, granting Wirtgen Invest Energy prior administrative authorization and administrative construction authorization for the 106.43 MW Caelum IV photovoltaic installation, and its evacuation infrastructure, in municipal terms of Gusendos de los Oteros, Corbillos de los Oteros, Santas Martas and Pajares de los Oteros (León), and its public utility is declared, specifically.

Resolution of the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines, by which Canadian Solar Netherlands is granted prior administrative authorization and administrative construction authorization for the 87.4 MW Villameca I Solar PV Plant and its evacuation infrastructure, in the municipal limits of Benavides, Quintana del Castillo and Villamejil (León), and its public utility is declared, specifically.

Resolution of the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines, granting Enel Green prior administrative and construction authorization for the 61.6 MW Campos photovoltaic installation, and its evacuation infrastructure, in the municipality of Mula (Murcia ), and specifically, the public utility of the evacuation infrastructure is declared.

Resolution of the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines, by which Green Capital Power is granted prior administrative authorization and administrative construction authorization for the 107.54 MW Dalia PV Plant, and its evacuation infrastructure, in the municipal terms of El Burgo Ranero, Valdepolo and Santas Martas (León).

Announcement from the Industry and Energy Area of ??the Government Subdelegation in Valladolid, by which the request for recognition, specifically, of public utility of the Elawan Tordesillas I PV Plant of 50.06 MW of installed power, is submitted to public information, and its evacuation infrastructure, in the province of Valladolid, promoted by Elawan Energy.

Announcement from the Industry and Energy Area of ??the Government Subdelegation in Valladolid, by which the request for recognition, specifically, of public utility of the 50.07 MW Elawan Tordesillas III PV Plant, is submitted to public information, and for its evacuation infrastructure, in the province of Valladolid, promoted by Elawan Energy.

Announcement from the Industry and Energy Functional Area of ??the Government Delegation in Madrid, calling for the preparation of minutes prior to occupation and, if appropriate, the formalization of occupation minutes in the forced expropriation procedure for the execution of the project Armada Solar photovoltaic installation with 82.5 MW of installed power and its evacuation infrastructure, in the municipalities of Ambite, Olmeda de las Fuentes, Corpa, Nuevo Baztán, Pezuela de las Torres and Valverde de Alcalá, in the province of Madrid . The project is promoted by TotalEnergies.


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