
Wind Power

23 Aug 2024

EDP Puts Its Third Hybrid Wind and Photovoltaic Energy Project Into Operation in Spain

23 Aug 2024  by evwind   

EDP Renováveis exceeded 100 megawatts (MW) of installed capacity in hybrid wind and solar photovoltaic energy projects in the Spanish market, having other similar projects in other geographies, including Portugal.

EDP ??Renováveis ??has put into operation its third hybrid project in Spain, combining wind and solar photovoltaic energy, the Cruz de Hierro project, in Ávila, with a total power of 28.75 megawatts (MW).

With the completion of this investment, EDP increases its hybrid power in the Spanish market to more than 100 MW, specifically reaching 103.35 MW (the other two projects that combine wind and solar are in the regions of Segovia and Cuenca).

Hybrid projects are characterized by the combination of at least two different sources of electrical production at the same injection point into the grid, allowing the limited capacity of the electrical grid to be optimized and taking advantage of the complementary profile of renewable sources (because only solar produces in one part of the day and the wind has a variable production profile).

“The energy transition is unstoppable. EDP ????wants to accelerate it with innovative solutions such as hybrid parks, which allow us to advance in the implementation of renewable energies in a more efficient way, taking advantage of existing resources and minimizing the impact on the environment,” Pedro commented quoted in The statement. Vasconcelos, EDP administrator.

In addition to Spain, EDP also operates hybrid projects in Portugal (in Guarda and the regions of Leiria and Coimbra), with 63 MW, and in Poland.

The group’s perspectives are to develop hybrid projects with a total capacity of 750 MW in the coming years.

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